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• Abutment - The structure that supports the end of the bridge or accepts the thrust of the Burr arch and supports and retains the bridge approach.
• Approach - The road surface leading into the bridge.
• Brace - Diagonal member in a truss slanting upward toward the center or midpoint of the truss providing structural support.
• Bolster Beam - A timber between the abutment and truss which extends beyond the abutment.
• Camber - a built in, upward curve of the bridge.
• Chord - Horizontal upper and lower members that extend the entire length of the truss.
• Deck - The surface of the bridge that carries the traffic.
• Floor Beam - A transverse member between the trusses that supports the decking and live load.
• Gabion - A galvanized wire box filled with stones used to form retaining walls along a stream or bridge.
• Joist - Longitudinal timbers supporting the floor planks.
• Parapet - A wall rising above the road level, usually as an upward extension of the wingwall.
• Pier - A foundation support, typically made of concrete or stone, usually placed between trusses of multiple truss bridges.
• Portal - The opening at either end of the bridge. Also the boarded area of the bridge at the opening under the roof.
• Post - A vertical member which is perpendicular or near perpendicular to the bottom chord.
• Runners - Lengthwise planks laid over crosswise planks in the tire track area of the bridge deck to reduce noise from the loose planks.
• Span - The length of a bridge between abutments or piers.
• Stringer - Longitudinal members supporting joists under the floor planking.
• Rod or Tie Rod - Diagonal or vertical metal rods in some trusses between the upper and lower chords that are used to make adjustments to truss members.
• Truss - A series of members forming a system of triangles to support each other as well as the passing loads on the bridge.
• Trunnel, Tree Nail - A wooden peg, usually oak, used to fasten timbers in bridge building, sometimes replaced with galvanized steel bolts.
• Wingwalls - Stone or concrete extensions of the abutments generally leading away from the bridge at the far sides of the portals.